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The story: this is how the Forum was born




GiovannaBenatti e Rolando Toro-Congr.Bra

Rolando Toro and I laying down by a swimming pool in Brasil, many years ago. Rolando inebriates his gaze among the leaves of the trees caressed by the breeze and told me:


You do realize their fluidity, they speak dancing. I dreamt all my life long that humanity is like nature able to dance the difference necessary for life. I am horrified by war, violence, discrimination and that people instead of making love cultivate hate and distance. That a hug is considered improper and a quarrel is legitimate. That the world of humans no longer dance.

His indignation – I think while listening to him – is the same of the beginning, when Biodanza was sprouting as a social tool that through the code of love and life could help the world to go back to be a kind place to live in. 

At that moment the International Forum of Social and Clinical Biodanza was born, speaking to my own anxieties and urges to start a powerful system like Biodanza with a social and civic purpose, the Forum was born as an idea-area which could not wait; six months after Rolando died letting me with a continuous conversation going on even today.

The Forum for me is to hope that the world could return being a kind place to live in, because “Happiness is a social value” and a necessary support to my soul to be meaningful.


The Forum was born from heart and love of all those who believe and are engaged carrying on the great dream of Rolando Toro: a Biocentric society. 


For ten years now the Forum of Vicenza is a place where everything might seem an illusion became reality. Dances, meetings, hugs, nests … universal languages where the community recognizes itself in its essence … without barriers, differences, skin colours, roles, masks …. Breaking down the wall of loneliness and isolation. 

Forge and window of science, poetry, methodologies, teaching, experiences, learning, knowledge, professionalism, art, cultures, people … everything Rolando had imagined … people in a single circle of pulsating hearts. 

To be aware of  “having/giving” an emotional nucleous as a resort, from which drawing nourishment and for which the whole world rushes … generates a new lifeblood. ​

“Those who are afraid of dreaming are devoted to die” Bob Marley told! 

The Forum is realized thanks to the support of all those who still want to dream and therefore answer, each one with their own uniqueness and peculiarity, to the invitation of Giovanna so that “Rolando’s dream” can be lived. 

And then, let us still gather together in circles of glances to enrich our souls and professionalism to redeem together that unconditioned love which recalls the biological matrix and the right of each of us to live fully each instant of our life. 

Roberta ROSA and Lucia PRESENTINI 

(editors Abstract 2nd FORUM) 


Flowers bloom and they give everything they have in freedom, they give, they are not interested in rewards and all that it will come,  people murmur keep on murmuring shut them up with cheerfulness, men play dice, a remnant of magic remains on the table. 

I am alone tonight without you, you left me alone in front of the sky and I cannot read come to take me you can recognize me I have a cloak made of rugs. 

Come right now, you recognize me, I have shoes full of steps, the face full of slaps, the heart full of beats and the eyes full of you. 

Lorenzo Cherubini-Jovanotti: Le tasche piene di Sassi/Ora 2011 


I have imagined since I could think a biocentric town: a town where you dance, you honour the other for his own difference, where meeting is in respect and pleasure. A tribal-town where human and living beings recognize themselves in mutual ceremonies of essentiality, where to be is more important than to have and pleasure governs the individual choices and the policies of social coexistence. 

I have imagined a place where to live as a vivencia of personal power, being able to express what everyone is, creatively and responsibly free, feeling that this act is an act of care necessary for the ecosystem. A place where even the voice of the last is an indispensable voice for the species. 

I am living here in the West a time where judgement and fear create an oblivion to our greatness, to the pure innocent immensity of life and to the fact that we are alive. 

I have imagined and believed and involved all my family to create this Space, the Forum, to say yes it is enormously what we can, the numinous part is always the strongest in every human being. 

Our faith in poetry, in beauty, in meeting are intact and I wished a place to affirm and redeem this memory. This is how this Forum was born. 

I am grateful to Rolando Toro, creator of Biodanza. In my opinion, a human heritage that dances and hopes. To all the people who over this ten years period generated the Forum, with their written, spoken and danced contributions, the Associations, the medical and educational staffs, the facilitators of Biodanza, my colleagues School Directors in Italy and in the world, all the participants of the groups of Clinical Biodanza who gave their magic with generosity and mastery and especially to all the participants in the Forum, who travelled also for 20 thousand kilometres to be here and through their presence oriented the difference. 


Living beings in the whole of the living creatures. This is the Forum.

We are the biggest show since Big-Bang

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At the origins of the origins of the Forum

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